Friday, February 1, 2008

St Kilda Gym Dogs- Melbourne

Dogs waiting at the Gym

Over the last few weeks I have taken pictures of the dogs that wait at the gym.

They wait patiently for an hour or more.

They are undercover so they are out of the weather and water is supplied by the kindly gym staff so it is reasonably comfortable.

I’m always amazed that they are:-

  • Patient
  • Quiet – no barking of whining
  • Never take exception to a dog waiting beside them.

    I guess Melbourne dogs have learned
    to be tolerant of their fellow canines.

This lovely spaniel is showing us that patience can be taken too far and she is ready to go.

This dear little soul is often waiting and just sits staring straight ahead.

My dog, Cham, the sportsman (see my profile) often took against another dog and was very happy to get into a skirmish.


Cham taught me that dog fights tended to go in circles. To catch your dog's tail and haul it out of the fight you have to go round with them.

This happened to me, Cham, a Fox terrier and and the terrier’s owner in the beautiful Lady Norwood Rose Garden in Wellington New Zealand. We, the owners, finally parted our dogs and we left the scene heading in different directions and dragging our snarling dogs behind us.

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