Sunday, January 27, 2008

A white Labrador waits by an old fashioned bike.

We saw the bike first.

Then we noticed the Labrador dog lying beside it.

I used to ride a bike just like this one, to school. I even had the lamp and the bell in the front as well as a carrier on the back.

The beautiful silver/white Labrador was sleeping when we stopped but as we chatted about the bike he opened his eyes and lifted his head. He didn’t make any effort to stand up and he didn’t show any interest in us. He didn’t appear to care whether we patted him or not.

But he had noticed us because when we moved away he flopped back into a sleeping position.

Labradors are said to be the most popular dog in the world – certainly in the Western world. If this is the case it is surprising that I don’t see many more in Melbourne.

Labradors are usually black, brown or a rich gold colour so it was unexpected to see this beautiful silvery/white one.

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