Sunday, February 24, 2008

Dogs spending time at the supermarket

I had other ideas for this post but then I saw this little darling waiting eagerly beside the trolleys at my local super market. I’m sure he’s a young bull terrier. Is a brindle bull terrier rare? I’ve only seen black and brown.

When I came out he was still there but he had become more relaxed about the wait. He’s almost asleep on his feet.

If you’re not tied to the trolleys the next best thing is an advertising sign.


pudelflicka said...

I've would have never left my dogs outside the supermarket. Not even in the car! They are to precious too me.


Em said...

It is very common here for dogs be tied up and left to wait while their owners shop. I have never heard of one being taken but I'm sure it must happen. The brindled staffie was so cute, he was very tempting.

Em said...

It is very common here for dogs be tied up and left to wait while their owners shop. I have never heard of one being taken but I'm sure it must happen. The brindled staffie was so cute, he was very tempting.

pudelflicka said...

I also love snowdrops. Spring is early this year and these flowers surface first.We have had nearly no snow this winter and its very warm for the season.

Maybe Gucci will have puppies in 9 weeks !