Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Cairn Terrier Mack attends dog training

Remember Mack? - You can check here and on this one
Mack started obedience school a couple of weeks ago. His Mum says,

“Just to show he felt it would be wasted on him, we came home from work to find he had climbed up onto the dining room table, located our new map book open at the page of the obedience school, ripped that page and surrounding pages out, and destroyed them.

Then he waited till I served up dinner on the table and just like magic the phone rang.

Mack wasted not a second in climbing up again and dragging the pile of pasta, Bolognese sauce and cheese off the plate. WOW!!

But obedience school was a blast after all – with about 60 + dogs arriving to register and join classes at levels from puppy school to competition performance tuition. Dogs, dogs, dogs of all shapes and sizes – spread out in classes across a large field and around the outside of the fence-line.

Mack was not surprised he found lots of new friends and he can’t wait for the next week to roll around. But Dad was the only owner in Mack’s class who forgot to take any treats – so they will be paying some dogs back next week….”

We are here to socialise, aren’t we?

Is the teacher interesting or would I rather investigate the shoe?

Mack is supposed to be next round the slalom of cones but this big fellow looks more interesting

Did Mack say "Look at me!?"

Mack is going to continue at obedience school. We'll keep watch on his progress.

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