Friday, January 25, 2008

Cairn terrier finds a home

These photos of Mack, a cute Cairn terrier puppy, were sent to me from New Zealand. He is this household’s first dog and he has a gold fish to thank for finding him a new home.

The shopping expedition was to buy a replacement goldfish. A dog didn’t enter his new owners’ thoughts as they drove to the pet shop. But there was Mack, waiting. Messages went between them and they all fell in love.
Mack spoke to them.
They bought the goldfish and the next day returned for Mack.

They say he’s very intelligent and very friendly and is trying hard to do what is required of him. He’s coming on well and getting the toilet training together.

He has to fit into a household that has two well established cats – a challenge for him and the cats. It will be interesting to see how the pecking order is worked out.
I’m betting the cats will be on top.

Mack became very excited when he found that there was some new paving to be put down. When he saw the shovel and the digging began he barked and danced around waiting for a rabbit or a rat to materialize. Then he carefully examined each paver as it was laid, making sure it was done properly.

Mack is great fun and has found a place in his new owners' hearts. It has yet to be seen if the cats will take him to their hearts.

My post on January 2nd talks about choosing a dog. It's called Percy the Pug.

1 comment:

pudelflicka said...

Hello again !
Nice to read about all the dogs in your blog.