Saturday, February 16, 2008

Larry La Trobe - dog sculpture, Melbourne

I have been talking about the dogs that are out and about in Melbourne and beyond so I thought it was time to feature some statues of dogs that can be found around the city.

The first one is:-

Larry La Trobe

He stands at the corner of Swanson and Collins Street. He is about 70cms high and was cast in bronze by Pamela Irving in 1992.

We are looking at the second Larry La Trobe here, as the first Larry went walk-about in 1995. There was a public out cry but he was never found and neither did he find his way home.

A year later he was recast and has remained on the corner ever since.

He is cuddled by children and gets light kisses on his noise for good luck. Weary tourists and locals take a rest on him and he is always posing for a photo.

Why the name Larry La Trobe? I haven’t been able to find that out.

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